Neonatal & Infant Loss
NEC UK offers support to any family affected by NEC, of all outcomes and at any stage of their journey, this is inclusive of families where a baby has sadly died. This section of the website’s content is specific to bereaved families.
Feedback from parent surveys carried out by NEC UK tells us bereaved parents affected by NEC would like specific topic information and we are listening to you. As with this and other areas of this website we will keep developing it. We are always very appreciative of your feedback, suggestions and comments, please do get in touch.
If you are reading this because your baby has sadly died, we are so sorry and reach out to you with gentle warmth and as much support as possible. This section has been composed by parents of babies who have also sadly died and includes information that we wish had been more easily accessible but often to the rapidness in which NEC can sometimes occur and in trying to navigate the unimaginable information isn’t always straightforward in locating or discovering.
Many parents and family members find peer to peer support helpful, often we can relate and identify with one another but within this there is recognition that our journeys are individual to each of us too. There isn’t a one size fits all or a rule book with rights or wrongs, there is also no time limits to how we should feel in our journey.